Do Jinns Know the Unseen? Insights from the Quran and Sunnah


Do Jinns Know the Unseen?

No, jinns do not know the unseen. In fact, no one in the heavens or on earth possesses knowledge of the unseen except Allah. Consider the Words of Allah, the Most High:

"Then when We decreed death for him [Sulaiman (Solomon)], nothing informed them [the jinn] of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his stick. So when he fell down, the jinn saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment." [Saba: 14]

This verse emphasizes that only Allah knows the unseen, and anyone who claims such knowledge is a disbeliever. The Words of Allah further confirm:

"Say: None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen) except Allah." [An-Naml: 65]

Therefore, Allah alone possesses knowledge of the unseen in the heavens and the earth. Those who claim to know the future or hidden matters are essentially fortunetellers, which Islam strongly condemns. The Prophet (PBUH) stated:

"Whoever goes to a soothsayer and asks him something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days."

If a person believes in what the soothsayer says, he is regarded as a disbeliever, for he has accepted that someone other than Allah has knowledge of the unseen, contradicting the Words of Allah:

"Say: None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen) except Allah." [An-Naml: 65]