Madeenah Jumu'ah Khutbah Extract Sheikh AbdulBari Thubaity 12th Dhul Hijjah 1444H | 30th June 2023
Moreover, they complete whatever they've missed and prepare for what lies ahead. They make up for their shortcomings and omissions, and they rectify their flaws. However, once these seasons pass, some of us experience a decline in effort, and the same zeal and potential is held back. This prompts us to ask ourselves: what is the most righteous and optimal approach to consistently engage in virtuous deeds throughout the year?
After studying the life and guidance of the Prophet we find the answer to this question in the narration of the Mother of The Believers A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her). This noble Prophetic method and devout behavior allows individuals to maintain an unbreakable connection with their Creator. They will always turn to their Lord. Fewer deeds with consistency and moderation are pleasing to the heart.. Such consistent deeds are not burdensome, and the soul accepts it due to it being achievable.
Fewer deeds done with consistency will accumulate , and with sincere intentions, its reward will multiply. It will have a great impact on one's inner self.
Thus, it is important to recognize that even the seemingly insignificant hours of your time can produce tremendous outcomes in your life when invested in punctual good deeds. Moreover, if you think about the successful people around you , those who stand out more than others , you will notice that they have achieved lofty goals and great accomplishments in both their religious and worldly affairs through persistence and dedication of a small fixed amount of time.
If one were to allocate a small portion of their time consistently, be it for memorizing the Quran, seeking knowledge, reading about the life of the Prophet (PBUH) or other beneficial literature, sitting with one's children to nurture them, participating in voluntary work, performing a good deed for Allah, or even pursuing a beneficial worldly endeavor-they would undoubtedly reach their aspirations and fulfill their goals.
The profound impact of these actions would become apparent throughout their life, enriching their thoughts, expanding their horizons, and propelling them to become a constructive individual that benefits their community and elevates their nation.
[It is important for us to remember] that moderation is required at all times and in all matters. Over burdening oneself and undue hardship in worship can lead one to weakness and discontinuation . It may also result in boredom, fatigue, and laxity. Moreover, it may lead one to discouragement and destructive extremes.