What is the ruling on turning praise of the
Prophet into a business?
The ruling on this is that it is forbidden; and it should be known
that the praising the Prophet PBUH falls into two categories:
That it is a form of praise to which the Prophet PBUH is entitled,
without it reaching to the level of exaggeration. Then there is no
objection to this, i.e. there is no objection to praising the Messenger of Allah in the way he deserves to be praised, by using praiseworthy
epithets, which describe the perfection of his character and his
That the one who praises the Messenger PBUH exceeds the limits in
a manner prohibited by the Prophet PBUH in his words:
"Do not exaggerate in praising me, as the Christians praised
the Messiah, son of Mary, for ١ am only a servant, so say:
The servant of Allah and His Messenger."
So, whoever praised the Prophet PBUH , by saying that he is the helper
of those who seek help, the one who answers the supplication of the
oppressed, that he is the owner of the life of this world and of the
Hereafter, and that he knows the unseen and other such like words of
praise, then this is a forbidden category. Indeed such praise could even
reach to the level of major Shirk, which expels one from the pale of
Islam, so it is not permissible to praise the Messenger PBUH with words
of praise which reach to the level of exaggeration, since the Prophet
prohibited that.
Then we turn to the permissible type of praise, and when a person
profits from it, then we say that this is also forbidden. Because
praising the Messenger in a manner he is entitled and which he
deserves like for his noble traits of character, laudable attributes and
righteous guidance is a form of worship that brings one closer to
Allah, and anything that is an act of worship may not be taken as a
means of attaining the material benefits of this world, according to the
Words of Allah, the Most High:
"Whosoever desires the life of the world and its glitter, to
them We shall pay in full (the wages of) their deeds therein,
and they will have no diminution therein. They are those for
whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire, and vain
are the deeds they did therein. And of no effect is that which
they used to do."[Hud" 15-16].