People are fasting every Mondays and Thursdays to keep the relationship they have with Allah tight.
Others wake up every night to pray and supplicate to Allah to keep their relationship alive.
Some have adopted some orphan(s) and they're feeding them everyday in other to keep their relationship with Allah alive.
Others are those who recite the Qur'an after the five daily salat just so to keep their relationship with Allah going.
Many are those who give sadaka as little as 1gh everyday so they can continue to have a sound relationship with Allah.
Some pay money to Malams to teach some students the Qur'an in order to keep their relationship with Allah tight.
Some have pledged to teach students the deen in their best ability so that their relationship with Allah doesn't end.
Others sponsor people who can't afford to pay their school fee so that they can continue to be in a relationship with Allah.
There are people who are building mosques and schools to keep thier relationship with Allah tighter.
What is your relationship with Allah?
How is your relationship with Allah?
What are you doing between you and Him to keep that relationship alive?
Ask your self those questions and if your answers are positive then say Allhamdullilah. But if not, then, work.
on your relationship with Allah Azza wajall.