In every legislation of Allah, there is unique wisdom privy to Allah alone or sometimes, exposed to human beings and lessons derivable from such legislations. In the case of Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, there abound lessons as guidance and light for contemporary Muslims. These insightful lessons are rich for the constant reflection of the believers.
Going back to the historical background and scenes that constitute several parts of the Hajj rites and Eid Al-Adha in respect of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and his household, the accounts show that it was a story of Piety and Trust in Allah, Forbearance and Perseverance in trials and difficulties.
As a parent and messenger of Allah, Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) started and lived a larger part of his life with a great test from Allah. He was perturbed about having a pious generation that will be committed to the service of Allah while at the time, he had no child. Following fervent prayers and request for righteous descendants after waiting for long years, Allah gave him Prophet Ismail (A.S) who was expected to cool his eyes and minds and form the foundation for Ibrahim's request for righteous generations. Not too long, Ibrahim was commanded to sacrifice his only son for the Lord who gave him in the first place. The Qur'an expressed this order from Allah as a serious test (Q37:100-6).
From the above narrations, there are two important takeaways as lessons for the Muslims of today and tomorrow till the end of time. The first is Piety and Trust in Allah. Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) had a firm hope in Allah that his prayers would be answered while he seriously engaged in supplications. He didn't relent nor did he seek help from any other person than Allah. When he was later blessed with Prophet Ismail and asked to slaughter him as a sacrifice for Allah, he had no slightest idea that he would return home with his son alive. It is the piety and trust in Allah that kept him going. Dear Muslims of today, let's take a lesson from this.
Another great lesson from the story is forbearance, perseverance, and obedience to Allah in terms of trials and difficulties. When Prophet Ibrahim was commanded to make the sacrifice through a dream, he forbore and persevered the test then obeying Allah even though he had human fears and concerns. When he informed his only son then, he complied without any hesitation and they all surrendered to the test of Allah in such a great difficult task and time.
Furthermore, Prophet Ibrahim was compelled to leave his wife in a valley of no vegetation with the baby (Ismail) following Allah's commandment (Q14 V 37). His wife, Hajarah (A.S), also bore the situation with piety and hope in Allah. While she did have a great concern for her upkeep and that of her infant in such a critical condition, her trust in Allah kept her stand the test of time. It is the same spirit that made her surrender to the will of Allah when she got the news that her only son will be sacrificed for Allah. This is indeed a great test for parents.
This story is a lesson that calls for a deep reflection by all Muslims as was planned by Allah in His Unique Wisdom to guide humankind as it deals with issues affecting the human heart which is prone to the evil of a retreating whisperer.
Notably, it is also very important and beneficial to all Muslims of today and in time to come with an affirmation that the test of Allah is real and the solution is forbearance and perseverance with absolute obedience, submission, and trust in Allah's relief and succor. For Allah does not neglect His servants no matter the seriousness of the test. The position of prayer in Islam and its importance in the life of a believer is stressed in the story.
May Almighty Allah benefit us from this lesson and enrich us with His piety, trust, hope, perseverance, forbearance, and obedience to His trials. Ameen.