The Speech of Sheikh Ghazzawi during the Friday Sermon yesterday


Sheikh Faisal Ghazzawi, imam and Khateeb of Masjid Al Haram, cautioned the faithful to be wary of the growing immoral tendencies in the society, especially sexual perversion, saying that homosexuality is a heinous crime during the Friday Sermon yesterday 

Sheikh Ghazzawi affirmed that Allah Almighty created His servants on the right instinct and made them prefer virtues and hate evil and ward it off. The imam stressed that Satan distracted people from the true religion, making them violate Allah’s laws and rulings, and deviate from what is required by sound minds and generous instincts. Allah created humans and made them into two types, male and female and differentiated between them. He made each one of them their own characteristics and attributes.

The imam noted that Satan’s intervention to instigate men and women to violate their innate nature. “Then comes someone who contradicts his nature and tries to change natural gender of human beings so that a man turns into a woman, and a woman turns into a man,” he said while quoting the Tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard. “The Prophet cursed the effeminate men and the immodest women.”