My sons and daughters, my brothers and sisters, citizens and residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Muslims everywhere.
May the peace, blessings, and mercy of Allah be upon you:
I congratulate you on Eid Al-Fitr and the happy new year.
We thank Allah for completing the blessed month of Ramadan for us, and we ask Him, the Almighty, to accept fasting and prayer from us and from you, and to bring it back to us with goodness and joy.
We thank Allah Almighty that we have reached the happy Eid al-Fitr, in which the meanings of mutual affection, compassion, love, and tolerance are embodied. Allah Almighty has bestowed upon us in our country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, many blessings, including the blessing of united speech, unity of ranks, and the honor of serving the Two Holy Mosques, and the pilgrims, Umrah performers, and visitors who go to them, continuing the path of the founder, King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman - may Allah have mercy on him - and his sons, the king.