The Healing Power of Honey: An Islamic Perspective



Honey has tremendous medicinal value, because it washes away the harmful substances that may have collected in the veins and the intestines. Honey also dissolves excess moisture, and is beneficial as a drink and as an ointment. It is of great value for the elderly, and those suffering from phlegm and cold moods or conditions like chills . Honey is nutritious, softens the bowel movement and is a good preserving agent. Honey also reduces the bitter taste of other medicines, cleanses the liver and the chest, acts as a diuretic ( aids in producing urine ), and dissolves the phlegm that is accompanied by coughing.

It is Narrated in the Sahihayn that Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (Radiyallahu Anhu) Said:

« أن رجلاً أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فقال : إن أخي يشتكي بطنه ، وفي رواية : استطلق بطنه ، فقال : اسقه عسلاً . فذهب ثم رجع ، فقال : قد سقيته فلم يغن عنه شيئا . وفي لفظ : فلم يزده إلا استطلاقا مرتين أو ثلاث ، كل ذلك يقول له : « اسقه عسلا فقال له في الثالثة أو الرابعة « صدق الله وكذب بطن أخيك

"A man came to the Prophet and said, 'My brother is complaining about his stomach ( or he is complaining from diarrhea ). 'The Prophet said: 'Give him some honey. 'The man went and came back later, saying, 'I have given him some honey, but it did not help, 'or he said, 'It made his diarrhea worse. 'He repeated this twice or three times, all the while the Prophet continued saying to him: 'Give him some honey. On the third or fourth time, the Prophet said: 'Allah has said the truth while your brother's stomach has lied"

When honey is consumed hot and mixed with rose oil, it cures animal bites and counteracts the effects of opium. Taking honey mixed with water helps against the bite of a rabid dog and the effects of eating poisonous mushrooms. If fresh meat is kept in honey, it preserves its freshness for three months. Likewise, if gourds, cucumbers and eggplants are kept in honey, they too will be preserved. Honey also keeps some types of fruit fresh for six months. It can even preserve cadavers ( dead bodies ), thus deserving to be called" The true preserver."If honey is applied to someone infected with lice, it kills both the lice and the eggs. Honey also adds softness and beauty to the hair and encourages hair growth. When honey is applied to the eye as Kuhl, it strengthens weak eyesight. 

Honey also whitens the teeth, preserves their health and the health of the gums, dilates the opening of the veins and promotes the flow of menstruation. Licking honey on an empty stomach helps the body excrete mucus and phlegm. It cleanses the stomach and rids it of harmful substances or mixtures, heats the stomach mildly and opens up the pores. Honey has similar effects on the kidney, the prostate and the liver. Furthermore, honey is the least harmful sweet substance for treating congestion of the liver and kidneys. in addition to all the benefits mentioned here, honey does not have any side effects, or harm except for those suffering from disorders of the bile, and who are advised to take it with vinegar to neutralize its harm. Honey is also a food, a drink, a sweet, a remedy, a type of refreshment and an ointment, along with its numerous medicinal values. Therefore, there is no other substance that is more beneficial than honey, or even one that rivals its value. This is why the people of old relied on honey. for most of the books of old do not mention sugar, which has been discovered only in modern times. 

The Prophet used to drink some honey mixed with water on an empty stomach. There is a wonderful secret behind this practice regarding preserving the health. Only those who enjoy sound comprehension will be able to recognize such a secret.

A Hadith [ Narrated by Ibn Majah and others ] stated that the Prophet said:

          « عليكم بالشفاءين : العسل والقرآن»

"Make use of the two cures : honey and the Qur'an.

 This Hadith joins the material and the divine cures, the medicine of the body and the soul, the earthly medicine and the heavenly cure. Understanding these facts, let us go back to the man to whom the Prophet had prescribed honey to cure his diarrhea which was caused by overeating. The Prophet prescribed honey for him to prevent his stomach and intestines from accumulating harmful substances or toxins that prevents the food in the stomach from being digested, because honey has a cleansing effect. The harmful, viscid substances were adhering to the stomach walls, which is similar to the material of a towel, polluting both the stomach and the food. Honey removes these substances that engulf the stomach, and it is the best cure for this condition. Honey is a potent cleanser and is effective in treating cases of diarrhea, especially when it is mixed with warm water.