The Prophet taught us the importance of good smells and perfumes for our well-being. He said that pleasant scents are like food for our souls, which are the source of energy for our bodies. Perfume doesn't just smell nice; it also helps our brain, heart, and other organs, making us feel better inside and out. That's why the Prophet always appreciated receiving perfume as a gift.
The Prophet advised us not to refuse perfume when it's offered to us. He said that even if it's just a simple scent like basil, we should accept it because it's light to wear and smells good. He also encouraged us to use perfume regularly, suggesting that every Muslim should bathe at least once every seven days and wear perfume if they have it.
It's said that angels love perfume while demons don't because demons prefer bad smells. Just like how good people are attracted to good smells, and bad people are attracted to bad smells, our preferences in smells reflect our inner selves.
So, using pleasant scents isn't just about smelling nice; it's also about taking care of our souls and attracting goodness into our lives.