The Prophetic Guidance on Food & Health


 In the Sahihayn it is narrated that ` Abdullah bin Ja'far (Radiyallahu Anhu) Said, 
"I saw the Messenger of Allah eat ripe dates with cucumbers.
"Ripe dates are hot in the second degree, increase sexual desire and add strength to the cold stomach. However, ripe dates rot quickly, induce thirst, harm the teeth, spoil the blood and cause headaches, various clogs and pain in the prostate. Cucumbers are cold and wet in the second degree and they prevent thirst, have a refreshing aroma and cool the stomach. When the seeds of the cucumbers are dried then crushed and are boiled with water. they produce a drink that will quench the thirst, help produce urine and soothe the pain in the prostate. When cucumber seeds are crushed and then sifted, they will whiten the teeth when brushed with it. Further, when cucumber plant leaves are crushed and blended with raisin jelly and used as a bandage, they will help against the bite of a dog.

In general, dates are hot while cucumbers are cool, and each is suitable for the other and also neutralizes each other's harm. This is a type of balancing off the harm of one substance by combining it with its opposite or antidote, and these are the goals that preventive science seeks to achieve. In fact, these are the goals that the science of medicine as a whole seeks to achieve.

 Combining the foods or medicines with their antidotes or opposites makes the product milder and rids it of any harmful side effects. Consequently, the body will preserve its health, strength and wellbeing.

Aishah (Radiyallahu Anha) once said, "They tried to make me fatter using every type of food, but I did not get fatter. But when they fed me ripe dates and cucumbers, I became fatter.
"In short, neutralizing the effect of the hot substance with the cold, the cold with the hot, the dry with the wet and the wet with the dry produces a milder substance that is considered among the best remedies and preventive measures.