The Prophet's Guidance on Preserving the Health of the Eyes


Narration by Ibn Abbas
رضي الله عنه:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا اكتحل: يجعل في اليمنى ثلاثا، يبتدىء بها ويختم بها، وفي اليسرى ينتين. أما هذه الرواية عن أنس ذكرها الألباني في الصحيحة: كان يكتحل في عينه اليمنى ثلاث مرات واليسرى مرتين (133).

"Whenever the Messenger of Allah used to wear kohl, he would use it thrice in the right eye - beginning with it and finishing with it and twice in the left eye."

Narration by Abu Dawud:

Abu Dawud also narrated that the Prophet said:

من اكتحل فليوتر (أبو داود: 35 وضعفه الألباني).

"Those who use kohl should use it an odd number of times."

One should use an odd number of applications of kohl in both eyes - thrice in the right eye and twice in the left eye. Kohl preserves the health of the eyes, strengthens the sight, and removes harmful substances. It also adds a touch of beauty to the eyes. When one uses kohl before sleep, it is beneficial as the eyes will not be moving, allowing the kohl to have its most favorable effect. The Ithmid type of kohl is especially effective in this regard.

Narration by Ibn Majah:

Ibn Majah narrated in his Sunan that 'Abdullah bin 'Umar related from the Prophet that he said:

عليكم بالإِثْمِد فَإِنَّه يجلُو البَصَر ويُنْبِت الشَّعَر (ابن ماجه وصححه الألباني: 3495).

"Use Ithmid (antimony), because it clears the eye and grows the eyelashes."

Additional Narration by Ibn Abbas:

Ibn Majah also narrated in his Sunan that Ibn Abbas related from the Prophet that he said:

خير أكحالكم الإثمد: يجلو البصر، ويُنبت الشعر (ابن ماجه وصححه الألباني: 3497).

"The best of your kohl is the Ithmid (antimony), because it clears the sight and causes the eyelashes to grow."

These narrations highlight the importance of using kohl, specifically Ithmid, for maintaining eye health and enhancing the beauty of the eyes as advised by the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.