HADITH OF THE DAY: The Best Among You

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has given us a timeless standard for greatness in the words of this beautiful hadith:

عن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "خيركم من تعلّم القرآن وعلّمه"
(رواه البخاري)

On the authority of Uthman bn Affan (RA), the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
"The best of you is the one who learns the Holy Qur’an and teaches it."
(Reported by Bukhari)

The True Measure of Excellence

In today’s world, people often measure greatness by wealth, power, or status. However, the Prophet (SAW) has shown us that true excellence lies in our connection with the Qur’an both in learning it and in sharing its knowledge with others.

This hadith highlights two essential duties:

1. Learning the Qur’an: This includes reading, understanding, and implementing its teachings in our daily lives. The Qur’an is a guide for all aspects of life, and learning it brings us closer to Allah.

2. Teaching the Qur’an: Whether through formal instruction or simply sharing its wisdom with family and friends, spreading the knowledge of the Qur’an is a noble act that benefits both the teacher and the learner.

Why Is This So Important?
A Source of Guidance: The Qur’an is the ultimate source of wisdom and righteousness. When we learn it, we equip ourselves with the best guidance for this life and the Hereafter.

A Continuous Reward: Teaching the Qur’an ensures that its blessings continue even after we leave this world. Every letter recited by someone you taught is a reward for you.

Strengthening the Ummah: A community that understands and lives by the Qur’an is strong, united, and successful.

How Can You Implement This Hadith?

Start learning the Qur’an today: Even if it’s just a few verses daily, consistency is key.

Teach others: If you have knowledge of the Qur’an, share it with those around you, whether they are children, family members, or friends.

Live by the Qur’an: The best way to teach is by example. Let your actions reflect the teachings of the Qur’an.

May Allah make us among those who learn and teach the Qur’an, and may He grant us the highest ranks in Jannah. Ameen.

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