Madeenah Jumu’ah Khutbah Extract Sheikh Salaah Al Budair 8th Sha'ban 1446H | 7th February 2025


Brothers and sisters in Islam, this world is a place of hardship and tribulations. Calamities exist in every corner of it, and feelings of sadness, even though they may pass, will always return. The afflictions of this world make the most spacious of places feel confined, setting the heart ablaze with turmoil. Pain melts both the body and the soul, weighing heavily on even the strongest of hearts.

Every day, we witness the departure of loved ones, the funeral processions of those leaving this world, and the grief of those bidding farewell to their dear ones. And whoever seeks a life in this world free from distress and hardship is running after something impossible. There is never a time when there aren’t any trials whether it be a time of hunger, a sudden terrifying event, or a piercing sorrow. Nothing occurs except by His decree, and every matter unfolds according to His wisdom and according to a precise measure. In His creation, Allah has established decrees that cannot be negated, and His judgments can never be fought.

There is not a single stumble of a foot, a tremor of a vein, or even the scratch of a twig except that it is already written in His divine record.

How many parents, mourning a lost child, have wept in despair, never finding comfort, until they completely lost their strength?

How many souls, burdened by regret, sink deeper into despair with every setback and become desensitized to financial hardship?

How many hearts have become fragile due to grief, like a stone that becomes eroded by the constant striking of a chisel?

So do not burden your heart with what has passed and is long gone. Do not destroy yourself with worry and sorrow over what was never written for you or meant to be yours. Do not try to hold on to that which is only temporary, for this world is always changing.

To the person who has become weighed down by grief and sorrow! [Know that] patience is the armor of the believer and the stronghold of those who place their trust in Allah. So, endure the calamity that has struck you, and persevere through the hardship that has drained your strength.

Stand firm in accepting both the sweetness and bitterness of what Allah has decreed for you, and face life’s trials with unwavering patience. For in patience lies the key to relief, so remain steadfast through the crashing waves of hardship and the blows of fate.

No life is ever free of challenges, and happiness never lasts forever. The burden of what has been destined through qadr (divine decree) is part of the journey. But whoever strengthens their faith will lighten their suffering, and whoever endures the hardship of trials and the weight of divine decree will be granted an unlimited reward.

O servant of Allah! Lift the weight of anxiety from your heart through unwavering faith, for true conviction nurtures hope, brings ease to the soul, and fills the heart with tranquility.

Ease the burden of trials and the hardships of life by placing your trust in Allah. For having husn dhann (good thoughts) of Him, turning to Him in du’a, seeking refuge in Him, and engaging abundantly in dhikr remove lingering sadness, overwhelming grief, paralyzing fear, and consuming regret.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, do not magnify the hardships of life when they befall you, nor despair when trials intensify. Never believe that tribulations are endless, nor feel that relief won’t come from Allah. Never lose hope in Him, for every hardship no matter how great will eventually pass. Every sorrow no matter how heavy will fade away. Indeed, after difficulty comes ease, after defeat comes victory, after turmoil comes clarity, and after every storm comes calm.

[Know that] when hardships reach their peak, relief descends, and when trials become overwhelming, ease always follows. So do not fall victim to anxiety, do not become companions of grief, do not become prisoners of pessimism, or captives of distress. The burden of worry disrupts clear thinking and shortens one’s life.

Dwelling excessively on past losses or deeply grieving over what is gone, and allowing regret to consume oneself, only serves to break one’s spirit. It melts the heart and weakens the body. So do not let sorrow consume you, do not reopen old wounds that have healed, and do not allow grief to overwhelm you. Dwelling on past hardships only deepens the pain. For when sorrow becomes overwhelming and tears are shed with no end, pain and blood eventually become one.

Our hope is in Allah alone, and through Him, we find salvation.

For how many immense trials have been lifted by the generous blessings Allah has bestowed upon us? How many overwhelming burdens has He relieved with His boundless mercy? How many unbearable hardships has He eased with His divine grace?

So place your trust in Ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful) in all your affairs, put your trust in Allah, and remain patient with what He has decreed. None but Allah can help you so surrender your worries to Him, for He alone is enough for all that troubles you.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, during times of distress, one must bring comfort to their heart. Lifting one’s spirit and strengthening one’s soul are not just emotional needs but also spiritual and rational necessities.

The poisons of worry and grief must be fought, for deep sorrow weakens the heart. It also sets back one’s determination and eventually leads to despair. It clouds the path to righteousness and makes life feel heavy and overwhelming.

Ease your mind, for nothing in this world lasts forever, and your worries will not remain with you endlessly. 

Reciting the Qur’an brings comfort to the heart and relieves distress. It also lightens the weight of hardships and eases the burden of trials.

Meeting righteous people and sincere friends brings healing to the body and solace to the soul. It is said that the company of true companions is a cure for sorrow.

Aktham ibn Sayfi said that the meeting of loved ones is a remedy for grief. One of the ways to ease the bitterness of trials is to reflect on the blessings that still remain.

A person should also realize that what was prevented may have been far worse than what was lost. No prophet and no righteous person has ever lived a life free from trials and tribulation.

Whoever restrains their emotions and holds back from complaining or expressing dissatisfaction will not be blamed for the tears that fall from their eyes or the sadness that rests in their heart.

However, those who wail, lament, and are upset with what Allah has decreed are to be denounced.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, [One should know that] bringing comfort to those who have been afflicted with hardship is a noble deed.

Consoling them and easing their grief are acts that bring one closer to Allah.

Relieving their distress is a sign of kindness and mercy. So be a source of solace for every grieving heart.

Support those who are heartbroken. Show kindness to those who are suffering. Offer them words of comfort and patience.


The khutbah focuses on patience in hardships, trusting Allah’s decree, and not letting grief consume us. It emphasizes that no life is free from trials, but faith, du’a, and dhikr provide relief and strength. Hardships always lead to ease, and sorrow is never permanent.